Sunday, March 22, 2015

Analog photography project: #myhasselbladproject

In September 2014 I started my analog photography project by ordering a second hand Hasselblad 500 c/m camera from ebay. Not only selecting and ordering the right camera was a challenge, but also finding suppliers for the right film. A next hurdle was finding reliable laboratories which could develop and scan the films.

Follow the photo stream of my analog photography project on Facebook at #myhasselbladproject.

The first five steps of the project journey

0th step: buying a Hasselblad 500 c/m. I found mine on eBay and hoped it would arrive in as good condition as the seller claimed.

1st step: Getting some black and whit as well as some color film.

2nd step: the camera arrived. Everything fully functional. For a camera built in 1976 it is really in good shape.

3rd step: While there are plenty of smartphone apps for light metering, my analog photography project should involve the use of an analog light meter.

4th step: loading the film to the Hasselblad A12 camera back. Not as easy as loading a flash card!
Youtube is a great source of instruction videos, even for a technology of the pre-internet area.

5th step: getting some pictures at my brothers wedding and getting the first film developed.
Here, one film - 12 images - on an index sheet:

And some serious high resolution scans:

More steps to follow applying another classic color film!

Follow the photo stream of my analog photography project on Facebook at #myhasselbladproject.

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