Saturday, October 22, 2016

Theme - Droplet

Drops game by Jan Horvat on
Drops game - Jan Horvat (500px)
Water droplets are a very interesting subject for macro photography.

While being a dynamic object, a fluid changing in shape, form, and behaviour depending on environmental influence they also exhibit spectacular optical properties.

Famous are high speed shots of splashes but also low depth of field shots optically reproduce the scenery behind the shot otherwise being blurred out.
"It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy that makes happiness." by Sandeep M V on
"It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy
that makes happiness." - Sandeep M V (500px)

Waterdrops by Jim MacLain on
Waterdrops - Jim MacLain (500px)

Capturing the droplets of morning dew can give very interesting still life images knowing that they were only real for a couple of minutes.

The nature of water droplets can only be captured when adapting completely to the scenery as photographer. It is very hard to produce such sceneries artificially. Especially given the fact that it needs a lot of understanding to compose the optical effects which are so interesting to capture through the drops.

Another famous theme are drops on leafs of plants. Most leafs are hydrophobic hence leading to perfect spherical drop formation. The drops almost come out as images in the image showing some details of nature otherwise just being part of the normal structure or texture.

Shooting macro in nature is something which needs a lot of patience for the ambitious photographer. It is around finding the right scenery, finding the right camera setup, and working with light in order to best present the details of nature.

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