Thursday, October 6, 2016

Scenic Places in Black and White - Racetrack Playa

Sailing Stone by Dave MacVicar on
Sailing Stone - Dave MacVicar (500px)
The Racetrack Playa is a dry lake in Death Valley national park, California, USA. It is a remote place where you only can go with serious off road vehicles and good planning on outdoor equipment.

The Racetrack Playa is most famous for sailing stones. Rocks which travel across the dry lake driven by nature phenomena which are not very well understood. Current explanation for the moving rocks is that the rocks are being moved by wind under conditions when thin ice panels are melting.
Color Blind by Reetom Hazarika on
Color Blind - Reetom Hazarika (500px)

Given the remoteness and lack of light pollution of this area this is a perfect place for milky way photography.
Here are two examples. - One against the principles of this section of my blog in color...

Milky Way arch over Racetrack Playa by Matipon Tangmatitham on
Milky Way arch over Racetrack Playa -
Matipon Tangmatitham (500px)

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