Sunday, July 24, 2016

Seeking Perfection in Landscape Photography

STEREA / Perspe by Gustav Willeit on
Have you ever been frustrated by the fled of almost perfect landscape images on the internet?
How come that all those people are on location under perfect conditions at the perfect time?

Jay Patel shared a blog post on highlighting three ways of thinking which will successfully take away you passion for landscape photography.
Read through here: link

The three reasons why not to pursue landscape photography are:
- trying to capture the awesome photo you see on the internet an in magazines
- searching for likes, tweets, and +1s
- capturing photos under perfect conditions only

As a conclusion, here the recommendation from Jay:
"The next time you go on a landscape photography adventure… make it less about popularity or trying to get the next best shot and more about having an adventure and exploring your creativity. You may find that you’ve fallen even more deeply in love with landscape photography."

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