Friday, July 1, 2016

Lavender Season

Lavender show! by Paweł Uchorczak on
Lavender Show - Pawel Uchorczak (500px)

As every year the image sharing platforms are filling up with lavender field photographs again.

While last year I went on a lavender photography field trip to the south of France myself, I am following the season this year through photo streams.

The colors are impressive. But, how much digital editing is behind those eye catching images?

I definitely have to go back there in season in order to better explore the color and light space.

Eyes by Iza Łysoń on
Eyes - Iza Lyson (500px)

Sunrise and dramatic clouds over Lavender Field by Valentin Valkov on
Sunrise and Dramatic Clouds over Lavender Field - Valentin Valkov (500px)

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