Saturday, June 18, 2016

Ranking of Photographs Using Artificial Intelligence

In todays digital photography workflow sorting and ranking images can be one of the most challenging steps in the process.

It takes a lot of concentration, the need to be consistent in selection and rating criteria, time, resources, ...

I always thought that it must be possible to use some artificial intelligence algorithms in order to prepare that job.

Read the article at about a new software called Picturesqe which seems to do the job.

Yes, many of you might now say that this is exactly the step not to outsource to a machine. Where remains the individualism, the uniqueness of my work.

I think that this is a good resource one should consider be using.

For sure this does not apply to all of our photography. Probably rather to some jobs where by nature of the task you tend to be shooting thousands of pictures in very short time, where time to delivery is short, and where the result is rather to fulfil customers expectations than striving for artistic uniqueness and excellence.
Or in sports photography depending on the quality of the algorithm this could come in handy to select the pictures capturing the action and in plus fulfilling some basic criteria for a good sports image.

Unfortunately the software is only available for Windows operating systems at the moment. However, the release of a Mac version is scheduled. I will definitely test it. There are some questions I am interested to get answers.

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