Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Analog/Digital Hybrid Workflow

Recently I decided to further integrate my analog/digital hybrid photography workflow.

Shooting film is a complete different experience than shooting digital. It takes lot more time, awareness, and slowing down the entire creative process.

After having shot the images on film, I am still getting them developed by a commercial laboratory. - However, I am already in the planning process of setting up and learning my own film development chemistry process.

The developed film - negatives or positive slides - is then digitised on a scanner.

I recently invested into an Epson perfection V800 Photo scanner which allows me to scan my own photographs at resolutions as high as 9600 dpi.

It is indeed a very time consuming process. But, it is also a good feeling to have more control over my entire development workflow.

While using the scanner for my recent Hasselblad 500 c/m medium format photography work, I also started to scan old self-developed 35 mm negatives from my early days of photography back in 1993.

The results are pretty amazing.
...I will soon be sharing some results here...

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