Saturday, December 31, 2011

See my new book: The Heart Of The Coral Triangle

The present book is a photo report of a scuba diving exploration tour aboard the MV Raja Ampat Explorer in the Raja-Ampat and Triton Bay area in West-Papua, Indonesia. The tour took place in April 2009.

Starting point was the harbour of Sorong located at the north western tip in the indonesian part of the New Guinea main land.

The tour brought us to the most beautiful dive spots of Misool. From there via the Pisang Islands, Momon Waterfall and Kaimana to the Triton Bay area.

Triton Bay offers some of the most spectacular dive spots on earth by means of its marine biodiversity.

After exploring the islands around Triton Bay for a couple of days, we crossed the Ceram Sea again to reach Koon Island in the Banda Sea.

From Koon we transfered back to Misool and from there further north to Kri in the Raja Ampat area before ending our tour in the harbour of Sorong again.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Global Epicenter of Marine Biodiversity

Looking forward to our next scuba diving expedition to the parts of the global epicenter of marine biodiversity.

See some older impressions:

Marine Wildlife - South East Asia - Images by Andreas Mueller

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

"Entfernt auch hartnäckiges Fett"

{ Woher mein Hüftspeck kommt? Beim Duschen benutze ich den Rest vom Shampoo um mich einzuschäumen. Heute habe ich gelesen, was auf der Flasche steht: "Für extra Volumen und mehr Fülle"! So ein Sch...!!! Kein Wunder, dass es mir schwer fällt, mein Gewicht zu kontrollieren! Ich werde ab sofort Geschirrspülmittel benutzen. Da steht drauf: "Entfernt auch hartnäckiges Fett"! }

Den richtigen Werbeslogan zu finden, welcher auch in jeder Lebenslage richtig interpretiert wird, und zum richtigen Konsumationserlebnis führt, ist keine einfache Aufgabe...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

In Bloom

In Bloom, flowers and plants pictured in my ambience, collected in one photo stream.

All pictures in this photography book have been shot using the built-in camera of an Apple iPhone 4. Editing and processing of the pictures has been performed using Apps on the same mobile device.

Monday, August 1, 2011

en route

My new photography book. A photo stream covering impressions from different road trips.
All pictures have been shot and edited using a popular smart phone.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

LowKey Photography

Low-Key Photography:

Piano player jamming on a Fender Rhodes 73.
Have also a look at: Piano Jam
Piano Player 2

More examples: black and white, portrait photo set

Famous inspiring picture (Jimmy Smith, Jazz organist, 1925 - 2005):

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Urban Textures - Blurb Mobile

Blurb Mobile ( is an interesting platform for mobile photography and photojournalism. An easy way to tell a little story, captured, edited and published using a mobile device.

Here a simple example:
Camera: iPhone 4
Appse: BestCamera, BlurbMobile

Shocking images from birds captured on islands in the middle of the ocean

Saturday, May 14, 2011

On line stock photo portfolio

I am starting to build up an on line stock photo portfolio.

Find a first wave of royalty free photographic illustrations here:

On The Go - Mobile Perspective

On The Go by Andreas R. Müller | Make Your Own Book

"On The Go" is a collection of photography taken through the lens of  a mobile phone. All image manipulations and optimizations have been performed using software (Apps) on the respective mobile device.

"On The Go" is intended as a coffee table book with snap shot impressions of daily life.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Poster Print on Demand

Find some of my work at Artflakes for print on demand products.